
Our newsletters will keep you up to date with what’s happening at Rathdowne Cellars and in the greater world of wine. You can subscribe to either our eNews just below or to our printed newsletter located further down the page.
Our eNews comes to your e-mailbox every 2-3 weeks with special offers, advance notice of our popular in-store tastings and current information from the world of wine. It’s usually no more than a page of reading and while it can contain plenty of heavy wine info, it’s written in a light-hearted manner.
In addition to our standard eNews, we have three specialty email newsletters that you can sign up for using the same email address:
An occasional short and informative newsletter from the Cru at Rathdowne Cellars with a focus on premium Australian and imported wines. This also contains our latest offers on hard to get wines.
Sent out roughly every second month, Elevage contains offers and services aimed at our corporate accounts. From staff drinks of a Friday evening to catering for functions, to stocking the boardroom; this covers all of your company’s wine, beer and spirits requirements.
We love Sherry, there’s no doubt about it. If you love Sherry too, sign up here to get special Sherry offers and be the first to receive info on exciting new Sherries that we get in. If you don’t love Sherry, what’s wrong with you?
Latest eNews. Our most recent 3 eNews editions are listed below. A full archive is available here.
For 15 odd years we produced a printed newsletter, but as more and more people opted for our email newsletter, we have decided to concentrate on our electronic medium as the main delivery of our news. On occasion we may still produce a printed newsleter should we have sufficient content (and time!) to supply one.
Last Newsletter.
Spring-Summer 2009-2010
Topics Covered:
- Autumn/Winter 2009 (Autumn Winter 2009.pdf)
- Spring 2008 (Spring-Summer08-09.pdf)
- Autumn 2008 (Autumn Winter 2008.pdf)
- Spring 2007 (Spring-Summer07-08.pdf)
- Autumn 2007 (Autumn-Winter2007.pdf)
Under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998,
It is an offence:
- To supply alcohol to a person under the age
of 18 years (Penalty exceeds $6,000).
- For a person under the age of 18 years
to purchase or receive liquor (Penalty exceeds $500)
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